some thoughts

You can also just talk and what’s being said just shows up in here so you’re just talking about stuff so I can be talking to you and we’re talking about like your hopes and dreams or maybe your past whatever it’s gonna show up in here and then That’s a pretty cool idea! It’s like having a conversation that gets transcribed into a blog post in real-time. So, let’s talk about hopes and dreams....

February 9, 2024 · breadchris

Why I am moving on from Substack

I had a Substack where I would occasionally post some things on AI. The vision was to build a following, but I couldn’t execute it. There may be some “blaming the equipment, not the player” here, but from what I have learned, my writing flow feels so much better now: First of all, I think Substack is great. Its mission is clear, and overall, they do a great job executing it (much better than Medium, imo)....

February 8, 2024 · breadchris

A Sustainable Thinker Always Wins

You can think about a lot of different things all the time. Think about too many things and this becomes a serious problem, especially for those who have ADD. If you have a problem focusing on which idea to pursue, it is easy to experience the feeling of being lost. Life is happening, ideas come and go, but there is nothing for you to bring to show and tell. I am not an expert in this field of study, but I do pay attention to what constitutes a “great thinker”....

January 26, 2024 · breadchris

AI Can't Fold 1000 Cranes

youtube Folding 1000 origami cranes sounds at lot easier than it is. When my engineer mind latched onto the idea of completing this task, I was intrigued by the foretold wish one would get in exchange for folding a bunch of the easiest origami models. Kids do this every year in Japan, how hard could it be? - On average, it would take me 5 minutes to fold a crane from start to finish....

January 26, 2024 · breadchris

How I Got to Where I Am

So i was in a really good high school and so there would be some ridiculously smart people who would work on things and because the program was so close knit, information would disseminate between the grades and so the younger group of kids would only get that much better. I got involved in cyber security because the older kids competed in a competition that was for hacking and they did very well....

January 26, 2024 · breadchris