I hacked my high school, and you should too.

- I have worked for Northrup Grumman and Uber as a security engineer and I built security tools that have been used around the world. The coolest thing that I have done in my life is that I got to help develop code that ran on every device that had Uber installed on it. The purpose of this code was to help the 20% Uber was losing to fraudulent trips. The talent needed to work on a project like this was so rare that I was hired on as the first team member, as an intern and later hired on as a college dropout....

January 26, 2024 · breadchris

I hacked your site.

It isn’t your fault, you were just doing your job. Even if you wanted to try to stop it, there isn’t much you, as an individual, could do about it. Either I or someone else who vaguely understands how to code was going to hack you like this. Business requirements for shipping that feature out at lighting speed for your largest customer last quarter made this all too easy. ```js...

January 26, 2024 · breadchris

Information About Gloving

- Since the EmazingLights site seems to be down. I have moved the information over here to keep it alive! - ## Start Gloving - Welcome to the Learn Gloving Center, the most extensive online resource out there for learning everything you need to know about gloving. Constantly being updated and contributed to by the world’s most knowledgeable glovers, this is your first and best resource for learning what you need to jump into the world of gloving....

January 26, 2024 · breadchris

NYU Dropped the Ball

## How it went wrong I have a pretty bad taste in my mouth with NYU after what they have done with CSAW over time. The fact that HSF became a CTF, quality went downhill, and then now non-existent is something that really bothers me. It had felt to me that there was a complete disregard for the exceptional talent pipeline that Nasir/Poly had established for continuing to build out cyber security at NYU....

January 26, 2024 · breadchris

Start with a Static Site

Ok, there is just simply way too much shit that you have to learn to host a freaking website . Let’s make that easier. Start with Markdown and hugo. Markdown is trivial to learn and making a website is instant. Hugo is a single binary you download, run and boom there is your website. A number of themes are available for you to check out and play with, but they aren’t necessary to start out....

January 26, 2024 · breadchris