8529 people have contributed to scikit-learn

The code that scikit-learn comprises has been committed to by 8529+ people. python/cpython - 2640 numpy/numpy - 1581 scipy/scipy - 1447 joblib/threadpoolctl - 10 scikit-learn/scikit-learn - 2837 It is possible that some of these people introduced typo changes, or the code they contributed has been rewritten by someone else. But the repo was affected by them, no less. Their accounts were authenticated to contribute to the history of a notable library in the ML training community....

March 26, 2024 · 2 min · breadchris

A Hacker’s Quest for the Ultimate Note-Taking System

As the flickering lights of monitors illuminate the shadowed visage of a hacker, known in the cyber realms as Zero Cool, the mind behind the screen drifts away from the usual code and into the realm of daily organization. Amid the clutter of local Apple Notes, a thought emerges, tinged with the desire for something more open, more connected. “What if,” muses Zero Cool, “my notes could seamlessly sync with the very fabric of my digital life?...

March 25, 2024 · 2 min · breadchris

security affects everything

As a security engineer, I found this talk interesting. It pushes for something that I agree with: the focus of ML security in research papers is primarily on novel adversarial attacks, but there are an incredible number of attacks on the supply chain aspect of training models that are often overlooked. The attacks from the papers are relevant but might require varying levels of attacker access to the system (ex., needing to observe model weights or inference confidence isn’t always immediately accessible to an attacker)....

March 24, 2024 · 2 min · breadchris

a very B movie plot

Isabella is a very cute artist and James is a very handsome programmer. He likes spending time with her and she likes spending time with him. take inspiration from Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind story and write me a screenplay script for this movie. Add a twist to the story, where there is some confusion and there is a strain on a relationship. let me think… Title: Eternal Connection...

February 26, 2024 · 3 min · breadchris

finding a balance while coding

When coding, have you ever stopped to ask the question: why am I doing this? Maybe it is a fleeting thought before you return to squeezing out a few more milliseconds on your page load. As creators of software and websites, we often get caught up in the never-ending pursuit of optimization. We constantly strive to make our code more efficient, our algorithms faster, and our page load times shorter. But in our relentless quest for optimization, we may lose sight of the bigger picture....

February 26, 2024 · 2 min · breadchris