Why you aren't using gRPC

From the first moment I saw it, I thought that gRPC was going to change how people transferred data on the Internet. What are we using? Untyped JSON to REST endpoint? Obviously asking for problems. JSON schema? Better, but I don’t want to write that crap. Also tooling is annoying. GraphQL? Pretty nice. Better than gRPC when dealing with many related objects, but again tooling is eh. gRPC is built on Protobuf, a simple type system that has been battle-hardened by Google and other large companies over the past 20 years....

February 9, 2024 · breadchris

Testing Code Highlighting

package main import "fmt" // Function to calculate factorial func factorial(n int) int { // Base case: factorial of 0 and 1 is 1 if n == 0 || n == 1 { return 1 } // Recursive case: calculate factorial using recursion return n * factorial(n-1) } func main() { // Example usage num := 5 result := factorial(num) fmt.Printf("Factorial of %d is %d\n", num, result) } oh look it works....

February 8, 2024 · breadchris

Massive Redesign

Well I have gone down the rabbit hole today on changing the way that everything looks. There are still some blemishes, but there is much more space for writing content. Oh, and I also added an AI feature where if you highlight the text then it will ask you if you want to use that as a prompt and the output will be streamed into the editor. I am super stoked with the progress that I have made here....

February 7, 2024 · breadchris

The feeling to perform

I had some interviews today. In the first one, I was asked a question to which I knew the answer, but the words weren’t quite there. I felt myself looping on, thinking of the answer, and then being frustrated. Time passed, and I couldn’t put my thoughts into words. Somewhere deep in my knowledge I knew how to respond, but in the moment I couldn’t answer. Overall, the interviews went fine....

February 6, 2024 · breadchris

I wrote some elm today!

I had a friend take me on a journey through elm today while on stream today. The exercises they gave me were really well thought out and it was a lot of fun to feel how the code evolved between each task. Starting from a simple counter, it built up to where you were managing a list of list of counters. The cycle of building the thing that just works, and then refactoring it so it could take on more abstraction illustrated why elm’s architecture shines....

February 5, 2024 · breadchris