Workflow Engine syntax isn't making me happy, halp

I have been building a workflow engine that can route strongly-typed data through durable functions (guaranteed to execute). These functions do not need to exist in the process, they could be remote APIs, grpc servers, a p2p connection with your friend’s computer. It supports streaming of data with observables, thanks to rxgo, meaning you can create rules to map, filter, reduce data without redeployment. This is the sketch I have in my head, and have been trying to implement it here....

January 25, 2024 · 1 min · breadchris

Connecting your body and your mind

If someone were to talk to me about connecting my body to my mind a decade ago, I would have thought they were full of it. Regularly practicing meditation and now yoga has really made me realize how stupid you must be not to build this connection with yourself. Humans all have this incredible biological computer sitting inside their head and if you treat it as just that, a computer, it can do cool things....

January 22, 2024 · 2 min · breadchris

let's see if this works

So if my calculations are right, I should be able to do the following: Save this post with the tag #100daystooffload Click publish above Reload the site at /@breadchris I should be able to see this post This flow is a solid step in the direction of where I want to take this tool. With a little bit of tweaking, I now have a way to publish my ideas to the Internet the way that I want to....

January 22, 2024 · 1 min · breadchris

What is a good refactoring task?

There has been a part of this code that I have been wanting to refactor for a while. Patch on patch of this form has left this code in disarray. This code is actually quite important to this site as well. It is a general application form that leverages the power of Protobuf’s expressive type system to generate a form a user can interact with. I have some ideas for where I want to take this code, but they haven’t been a priority....

January 20, 2024 · 3 min · breadchris

Today wasn't a 100% day

Idk what happened this morning but I went through my normal routine and then something just hit me which crippled my momentum. I have learned that listening to my body and trying to meet it where it is at in the moment vs trying to fight the feeling pays dividends over time. I try to map the feeling to a probability of what it is that I need. Often this feeling comes from not having enough water, so I drank some water and took a 20 minute nap....

January 18, 2024 · 1 min · breadchris