The case for a single binary

In the realm of software development, the dichotomy between local development environments and production settings presents a notable challenge. The ideal scenario is where both environments mirror each other as closely as possible, minimizing discrepancies that can lead to unexpected behaviors upon deployment. However, achieving this level of synchronization is fraught with complexities. Tools like Docker have emerged as potential solutions, offering the promise of containerization to encapsulate applications in self-contained units that can run consistently across various environments....

March 11, 2024 · 3 min · breadchris

go dependency injection

Dependency injection has radically increased my programming rate. When everything is designed as a module, you find yourself constantly reusing things you have already written since it is the path of least resistance. If you try to do this without the help of a framework, you will find yourself writing and rewriting the boilerplate code to connect dependencies together. Most DI frameworks resolve dependency graphs at runtime A dependency graph resolved at runtime is error prone and leads to confusing code....

March 8, 2024 · 1 min · breadchris

reply to "sensible web stack decisions"

In response to my previous post: martinsos: I like it, very practical and honest! No preaching, just direct opinions. Quite fresh for a web dev article. Btw I competely shared that view on Tailwind that you had at the start, and I still have it in part, just because I didn’t have enough time to learn more of it. It still seems weird that we are putting all the style directly into html, I can’t read that and it doesn’t show the intention, but I think I read they are not against classes at the end, it is just that even them you woudl then define with Tailwind....

March 4, 2024 · 2 min · breadchris

what happened to irc?

I get that it took a while for IRCv3 to come out, but the more I think about my ideal form of communication, the more it looks like IRC. I mostly communicate with Simple text comms, with the occasional voice/video chat. I also want to be able to write bots to receive and send messages on channels. Moderation controls are important for larger channels. There is a Go server/client implementation, ergo, that I am excited to try out....

March 3, 2024 · 1 min · breadchris

anatomy of syntax

Something I do not see often in programming language books is a concise explanation of semantic structures that are typically used. For example, in a Java method, there are different modifiers you can apply to the function to change how it behaves (public, private, static, etc.) Usually, the syntax is introduced and it is talked about at length, covering the many edge cases that might exist or the syntax is introduced in passing as an example requires a reader’s comprehension of the topic, referencing a later section for the explaination....

March 1, 2024 · 2 min · breadchris