notes about coroutines?

Even though the “go” keyword is the same name as the language, you would think this is more commonly used. From my experience, go developers, including myself, will avoid using go routines and channels as much as possible. The reason is that it adds complexity that you often don’t need. Concurrent code unlocks a lot of performance as tasks that would otherwise “stop the world” only stop the go routine that they are on....

March 28, 2024 · 1 min · breadchris

interviews suck

I feel like being put on a hospital bed and prodded every time I am in an interview. A rigid agenda of a strange conversation where the person on the other end is trying to profile you. It is an extraordinary interaction that I really hope improves over time. I usually get greeted by a nice interviewer, or someone trying to play nice at least, for the roles I am applying to....

March 27, 2024 · 1 min · breadchris

A Hacker’s Quest for the Ultimate Note-Taking System

As the flickering lights of monitors illuminate the shadowed visage of a hacker, known in the cyber realms as Zero Cool, the mind behind the screen drifts away from the usual code and into the realm of daily organization. Amid the clutter of local Apple Notes, a thought emerges, tinged with the desire for something more open, more connected. “What if,” muses Zero Cool, “my notes could seamlessly sync with the very fabric of my digital life?...

March 25, 2024 · 2 min · breadchris

to spa, or not to spa?

Website vs web app, what is the difference? How do you know how to make the tradeoffs in terms of complexity for a spa vs the simple HTML of templates? Managing state in the DOM is not easy, dynamic components require managing of more state. How does htmx relate?

March 25, 2024 · 1 min · breadchris

static vs dynamic types

The debate between statically and dynamically typed languages has always been a hot topic in software development. Designing types for a problem can feel like solving a puzzle—fun for some and frustrating for others. But the real question is: Do you know how to represent the domain? While the alpha engineer may claim they do, understanding a domain comes from observing patterns over time. The challenge in business, where code is most commonly used, is collecting and understanding the data needed to define these types accurately....

March 21, 2024 · 3 min · breadchris